Rehabilitation is Possible
The Handling Suppression Course has brought out the most critical flaw in myself, and allowed for me to recognize the source of conflicts that plagued my existence for most of my life, which had I […]
The Handling Suppression Course has brought out the most critical flaw in myself, and allowed for me to recognize the source of conflicts that plagued my existence for most of my life, which had I […]
When I first started this course (Way to Happiness), I was hell on wheels. I learned how to control my temper. I used to jump on people for looking at me wrong. I always keep […]
After taking this course, I have seen a dramatic change in myself. A few old behaviors that I’d managed to turn around. I’ve looked at life differently, taking heed in some of these lessons I’ve […]
“I found this course “The Way to Happiness” to be educational, informative, and inspiring. It has given me the knowledge and ability to be a more ethical individual. I want to change the way I […]
As a result of taking Criminon’s The Way to Happiness, I’ve reconnected with my family and friends. I have found a way to balance my life with my priorities coming first. Criminon has taught me […]
I learned the art of happiness. Before this class I knew what made me happy but I was unaware that happiness is a way of life and that it’s vital to one’s very being to […]